Thursday, April 23, 2020


Not everyday do I wake up feeling like shit . But I do wake up confised , about what I feel or where I am going.

This quarantine has really given me anxiety . Has given me everything in such a short span of time .

I am easy too admit I don't have real friends , why because if someone breaks my trust it's hard for me too trust them again .

Which is why I am selective , and guess what sometimes it isn't for the best .

Yes, I've made the mistake to believe something that really just isn't  in some friends , and I needed up getting fucked. But , in hindsight I've learned to just move on from it ,live my life as peaceful as I can . And always be aware of who I give out my energy too .

However , I can't seem to rub off this anxiety . These headaches of so much over thinking , Im just plotting how to move near by the beach . I really need nature , i need fresh air clarity . The city just doesn't allow me  to be that , clear minded ....

How do you cope with anxiety ?

I'm so random with my post ... I know my bad, the thing is that this is my home away from home if that makes any sense .