Thursday, January 10, 2013


They never fail , it's like magic .. Ad today I got a shipment from one of my favorite bands.. It was total bliss.. I think music at any time in our lives is helpful and useful to take our minds through a journey .

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The breeze

After spending most of the time home , away from the world (exaggerating ) it felt great to go out . The breeze felt nice , it wasn't crazy cold and it wasn't too Hott . Just right I think . Sometimes I just like to be on the car with the windows fully rolled down , so as I drive I can feel the wind ..
And that's exactly what I did ,with the exception of the world listening to the station KROQ on blast... As I drove .
Sometimes is random and I find excuses to go out to do some world time so to speak ..,
Anyways , that's that.
Haven and I were pretty stoked about getting the new Tim burton flick , that we memorized the released date and we headed off to target !
Man that place has me on the broke side of things ., every time we go we end up buying more and spending way more ..
Ugh ! But it is what is ! Hahahahah
My kids always seem more relax when we shop and get out just to discover ( well at other spots not target ) in happy the weekend is here or almost here so we can do stuff with Alex..
P.S . I been on that Zumba run , and I'm seeing the difference !! Here I go 2013 !! (change )

Here are some random pictures of today : ( instagram style)Literally I love this app!

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Little Something of Alot of things

my oldesst help bake cookies
Mother Earth is always welcome in our Home

Stage 1 : Life

I recently had some issue with a thing I like to call;life
I'm learning to find out how to work , study and learn  things around myself.. I know that I don't have your typical blog. I just find it , that It wont be fully original. (is that possible)
I'm loosing my cool ....hahhaha, not really , I'm not even there yet...So what do I know right?
 Eh! life is always complicated, it gets sad, and there are those shitty moments...
All I want is to live my life free~!
Free of being a grouch , Worrisome, just all in between.... Lets face it , this country makes us feel a bit crappy... Or is it the other way around?
I guess what I'm getting at is why ?

All I want this year for the millionth time is PEACE!!!

I'm done with my nag mode...

In other news, I'm hoping for a new ride soon , so I can start going to church !! I miss it......

Well off to upload other fotos, and figure out FLICKER!

i TRY to stay as realist as possible, and i know that there are endless possibilities, and I'm just in that mood...Perfection not my forte`
I'm hopeful and happy, I'm just going through stuff.

Good Night

It's : Always play time

I don't think that the fun ever stops. My boys are growing up so fast.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Vibes": Random Photos

Speak: Don't speak

I believe that things happen for a reason, that everything is a cycle, and that what won't kill ,will just
make you stronger.. I think that I have come to a realization that , maybe the solitude that I experience is greater then myself at times. I never have thought about why I am in the place that I am and, I can't question destiny , because the answer is right in front of me, no need for it. I like to think, that life is a privilege, that in someway I forget that
(how?) through my behavior... I have tried to be religious and when I say try , I mean literally tried. But I have fallen short , of what greater good I can experience.(making equally religious friends)..Maybe that's just not the way that it's meant to happen. You see, I have found myself lost in what I call ,self enlightenment. What does that mean>? well , just that.
I don't think I was born to socialize , or make a crap load of friends....I find it hard to to hang on, because in some way people have dared to say that , " oh I wouldn't do that , what would people say". I think that humanity in general ,have found that what others think should make them happy (sub consciously)... I realised that , way to late in my life, I can attest that it took me a while to get where I am at. I am forever more grateful , each and everyday , that I am given that fighting chance to live, breathe, feel, see, touch smell, and experience. I can't say that I am living an epiphany, but It sure does feel surreal.  I think I can categorize myself as a bit on a introvert sorta persona . I'm not always sure if  maybe that's a good thing, but It's just who I am. I don't believe that I have reached that  wise level, because i just don't feel it ;yet ,  I am human 100% percent of the time (subliminaly speaking). I  love me being me,saying, sharing what I think in hope that someone will listen. I don't have friends, and I have always been OK with that.... It's just that this can and has been who I have always been. Where I can find that empty pot hole and fill it with joy.  I'm always looking for a way to enlighten myself awareness.  I believe in GOD , full on.. I know that he will return , and he lives. In my mind and in what I say , I feel like being realistic is what I have set apart within me.  The world is so full of nothing.(cliche' maybe) but it' isn't ...The less you have the more you crave ...If it wasn't for  what I am seeking , I don't think that I would be who I have become over the years... I have enjoyed my imperfections, at a cost  and I know that one day , my faith will carry me on....

Baby Days: Transition

I'm not sure what it is , or whats in the air, but I'm having a not so happy moment with my baby Orion.  It's like if he's mad at me, or is just bothered, or maybe is just teething. It's been a little crazy around the house these past couple of months, and I'm starting to wonder if it's even normal. Or maybe, I'm just being paranoid.. I honestly don't recall my oldest having such a hard time, or maybe he did. It's been so long , and I'm needing all the patience in the world, just to try to keep the house neat and calm..A long shot maybe, but It's always worth the try. The terrible twos might not even exist with Orion...In the hope for a change to be a good mom, I ask myself how much can be too much ?... As crazy as this all sounds , I've been here before , but I can't come to terms on how to go about this baby stage.. You would think, that after the first born I would know all that there is to know. The reality is, that all kids are truly different and not everything works for each child the same.

As I am writing this, I just recalled something a nurse told me , that is now making sense. She mention that her kids where the same age as my baby , but they are twins. And that she was having a great deal of trouble with them. the non-stop crying, and dissatisfaction. Then when on to say "has your son go through it? I looked puzzled, and asked her, gone through what?" She said that bad teething stage , where all their molars are starting to rupture and they get so uncomfortable, and easily annoyed, there is no making them happy." I told her that I didn't think he was going through that because he has been so calm, and relax, that I hadn't notice. And , sure enough all that she had mention to me , I am currently experiencing. I know that this will pass and that with some time and patience it will be like he never went through this. I love my boys they mean the world to me , and all I ever want is to see them smile and laugh so hard, and give me lots of kisses... As a parent it's tough watching my little guys go through these minor transitions...For now , I'm going to try to make the best of it, because I know that later I will , nag about when they where young , and this and that... Making memories last a life time, and along with them we have a transition that we as a family go through.............

Thursday, January 3, 2013

a LITTLE BIT OF everything


I hate to think that my moving days are soon, and I really don't know how to take it. A part of me wants to move location and the other part wants to buy a home. And , then their is the rest gibberish. I think that just the thought of moving makes my stomach turn. In the past two years I have gained so much. It would take the big uhaul trucks to move plus two trips, when things considered.

After a short  sleeping session I woke up  when Alex got home,  and we talked about what we should do. Then begin searching the Internet, for apartments, and it turns out that the ghetto areas , have more space for our money.  It's mind boggling to think that builders spend more money adding amenities and little nick knacks, versus giving more space.  I'm really starting off between a needle and a haystack, it's kinda stressful. I'm hopeful though.  Lets just wait and see if this transition works out....

On another note, Alex is having his week vacation in about  a couple of  months , and It's up to me to plan our vacation time... I'm just not sure where I would love to go...I do have some places in mind like , San Francisco,Oregon, San Diego(legoland).. In the mean time I'm gonna keep looking , to see what I find ,good thing  theres a whole lot of time.  For now I'll get back to my place searching , breath taking searching experience....

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Healthy Living, My attempt.

In this new year 2013, I'm really aiming for a different lifestyle. I would love to be a vegetarian , without giving up milk. I'm not sure  how to go about it. I have done so much research, and yet nothing catches my eye.
I want to be able to just give it up. In some way it seems impossible, eating meat is a must ... But I know that it isn't always the best, I think of it as  , maybe the reason my stomach hurts after eating so much meat, is due to the way the cow suffered before being put out of it's misery. As I  write about it my stomach turns literally. (and yet I can go for a burger_) So contradicting. I guess it's how they say it ,
 " you have to have the will to do it". I do want to increase to veggies and fruits , fish , and things that can make us a healthier me and family. As of  today I'm vowing to make a change each week, eat and try a vegetable or fruit I've never tried. Create or Follow a recipe.  i will post it on here , so I can be more diligent. And , master the art of baking bread... (I have done it before but have failed). I won't give up...
In the mean time , start a regular exercise routine.. AS of today , I did Zumba , and Yoga... Well continued my yoga, I just added my Zumba, (it's the best ).
This kind of change will be a work in progress, wish me luck!! (I'm gonna need it)..

Random: Just

i recently got a cannon T3. And, Im a newbie on the settings and how it works, and all weekend I tested it out , and so far so good. Im not a pro , I just love blurred background images. I took pictures of some of the things that I love to do, and a little of who I am.  I love buddahs, and fruit. Music is a soul searcher, and Im really inclined to it even though I wish I was a rad musician. Im not sure if I'll ever master my music skills on a three string acoustic guitar, but I will keep attempting. 


This up coming year, Im really looking forward to many new things I hope. Time really has flown by , the world never ended, the zombies never came for us, etc. It's always safe to say that I feel really blessed that we can still be together and all that great stuff. My resolution for this year is , to find more wisdom, peace and humility. It something that comes and goes from my life, and to stop finding negative in certain things , that can become a challenege. Also , I really want to move soons.Im over living here, the city isn't to die for, but it has its perks. The place were I am at, has no washer or dryer in the house so im really hoping for that. I will say that, I would love to buy a house but, it's a long shot for now and this city frankly has very limited beauty . My only challenge as of now is home schooling my four year old, he starts school soon, and I want him to have the ability to know most of the material that will be presented to him. And , I want a stable school were moving around won't affect him. These are just a few of the things in my head...Looking forward to greatness, and Im wishing the same for you.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013: It was a Celebration

2013: It was a Celebration THe week before christmas , ALex and I had made so many plans, and gathered our thoughts about new years ... (its exhausting) I always gather up things , without knowing the outcome, and with a knot in my stomach at some point I dread it. (inconsistint) Honestly I hate making plans, why because some people don't pull through , and it's a you never know type of thing .And this bugs me for weeks, I get stressed out, I want everything perfect, I basically turn into a maniac. (in a good way, i hope) So the evening was planned , we ordered the wings , my mother was down for my birthday and celebrated new years with us. It was all good , we had invited my brother and my sisters, they said maybe, then yes, then I'm not sure. (it got to me head for a while) that maybe this wasn't happening.. I kept hopeful,and try to stay calm as much possible, but there were times that I felt like pulling out my hair, because things started to come out hectic. To begin with we had ordered wings 100 pieces 2 hours before 10pm, for them to hand them out to someone with the same name (once he had to pick them up), so Alex had to wait. Then in the afternoon my mom left to church at 7pm with my older sister in perris, which by the way was about 34 degrees. (freezing weather). For them to stop by my house at 9:45pm, to then tell me there grandaughter was purging all evening, so they weren't goin to make it. My brother , then text that he wasn't coming, and so did my other sister. Yeah , all that wrapped up most of the night.... In my mind I was furious, exhausted,dissapointed, that my house was set up, with food, drinks, decorations etc. Well me being me, I wasn't going to let it ruin my fun, we watched a movie (paranorman,and some other action film). Ate wings,pizza,drank a little here and there...My littl guys were just hanging out the whole time. Me and Alex just looked at each other and said , it's all good right? ..and just busted out laughing,(odd moment) ... We laughed , hung out in our quiet apartment, laughed some more, then the moment came. We popped the champagne (which has become my favorite thing to drink ,lately) screamed happy new year !!! Went outside, and started popping the poppers, drank endlessly,ate endlessly and enjoyed a perfect evening... Im grateful , that things turned out in such a way!! Happy New Year 2013!!! p.s. still debating on a resolution..hahahah!