Saturday, February 15, 2020


As this day had come to a start, FEB. 14 I sat here dreading it .

 Im not a big fan of a day used for capitalism . I mean hey if thats your mojo then so be it.  

In regards to the day itself , Im not sure but ,for the past 10 plus years it has been a bit of a turn off this day . 

I mean you would think love and, all its glory , but what is love ? (poses the question)

 I mean I love the del taco vegan layer burrito, I love french fries, I love gym clothes .. You see , I love, love this and that ... So what can be love ? 

The term love is a feeling , but when you love from the mind , body and soul , that can be quite different .

 I have never experienced that because I am so scared of that experience that I won't allow myself to be in that position. The act of vulnerability scares me . 

I'm scarred internally , that doesn't mean that I won't give love to others , I just won't allow myself  to experience  it first handAS much . If that makes any sense . How can I be in love with another being , I love myself but not the feeling of vulnerability . (scatter brain) *wink wink 

People call me sad , bitter ,but  frankly Im not . I wanna love , just not in that way .

I want to say Im guarded . Literally I know .....

IS that bad??

Cheers anyways to the love or idea of love . It gives me ANXIETY!!!