Saturday, May 25, 2013

simple point.

I know that I wrote a blog entry about being so busy and what not, and yeah I still am, but with more calmness and sublty.

Okay , I've settled my  moving situation , ugh finally right. After much thought and debate we aren't moving .yeeeeeeeeh! We eventually will be back at the whole moving idea next year. As for now we can sit back and relax just a little.

In all fairness it was a mutual decision.

Today I will be doing two things , the gym and visiting a record store called red planet records I am stoked .
This whole gym thing had been on my mind for a while, and I thought I was  going to have a gym partner, but she flaked out , oh well , I am rolling solo.

It's suppose to be a really cheap place, I just hope it's great. That's that .

Haven is starting preschool, I just think that it's going to be awesome for him or at least before he goes into kinder.
I have been so MIA from my blog , I just realized but this is really a place for my scattered thoughts and endless photography/my bad .

Yeah that's a mini, fast wrap about whats been going in my life lately, I lack a bit of sense making but I like to get to the point BAMMMMM!

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