Monday, January 13, 2014

I will be up all night

   There will be no sleep tonight . My oldest has a very strong cough that just isn't letting him sleep.  I dread these kind of days, the good thing is that he is older and is able to tell me what hurts him. I've tried almost every trick in the book, and I just recently gave him Organic agave since the honey I have isn't raw, this actually helped him release all that was stuck in his lungs . So what I did, was put him in another room, and since it was fresh he eventually knocked out , and hasn't realized I'm not there. Yes, my five year old still sleeps with me , it's a habit we haven't broken , because since dad works graveyard shift and is away 12 hours ;six days , there is basically no need for that extra space. That is unless he's sick .Lets see how long this will last, so far he's sound asleep and after letting go what was in his throat  maybe that was what made him comfortable.( this was me last night <---)

  I honestly  fell asleep after I blogged this and just remembered  i had this post half started . You know that moment when you have all these ideas at the top of your head and your typing away and everything sorta comes to you all at once and," bam"! you loose your thought process. Yeah , that was me last night all pumped and vuala I blanked out and knocked out . Story of my life if you ask me. SO here I am trying to get this ball rolling since it's Monday , man it just seems like one of those really long days. I'M not sure why Mondays seem to feel this way .

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