Each and everyday we hear horrifying things going on in the world.
I sit back and think something has too change. Then I step back , the only way something will change in this world is we change our views about the world.
There so much hatred over blinded perspective of what and who others are. I mean really it's not until you meet or come across someone whom you've been told should be disliked that our manner in which we deal with them changes. How we approach them , what words we can use to find a common ground.
John Lennon always spoke about love and how the world would be a better place if we all just loved each other , where there is love there is peace.
That's a beautiful thing, but it's deeper than that . Time has really changed since the Lennon days.
I'm surely not implying that things can't be this great , but change has to start from us. Each individual , in separate moments.
This blog post I hope can help change some perspective on others, and what we have been told about others.
See , the one thing that we have been instilled is hate for skin color, religion, etc. It's all over the news what , who, what , where, why, how come, point blank.
When we grow as individuals , all this other stuff comes and goes and is never taken too heart.
Growth is power, which can turn into a spiritual revolution .
If you know what and who you are , nothing ever implied can affect you. When you believe in humanity , when you believe in hope , the world is yours.
No , nothing is easy if that were the case the world struggle wouldn't exist.
Things happen , and maybe as we experience things yeah , a change in perspective can occur , but it's your reaction that evolves .
We can't decided not to pick apples only because some look rotten. SO to speak .
In this time , this moment , is when the HUMAN RACE needs to unite..
Unity is power .
I leave you with this hope.
p.s.s. thoughts.
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