Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Many Reasons

Just the other day  while on the job , I was having a conversation with my boss about totally random  things.

 From football , soccer, to work related , twitter and medical research , yeah all that gave a turn into a study I read about .

It implied the reason why us women need more  sleeping time , and how we are great multitasks  humans being contrary to our counter parts.

He gave me this blank stare, and nodded no women just like to do more things than men.

OK , I had too stop it right there.

Look , I am all about gender equality and what not the fact of the matter is that  women are just better at doing a lot of things at once. We don't realize it until we are a parent , but it's in our nature. We are stronger than men  for other things that's for sure, so in my mind I believe that we are the awessomist , and even if i wasn't a women I would still believe this.

Some people don't like this and for the most part it's men who defer.  Hear me out , we are just good at what we do just as you are are what you do. 

In my experience ,  I go to school, clean , work, wash , watch my kids ,  grocery shop and homes school my kids.  This is everyday .  Oh and I have to pay the bills on top of that. Thinking about what too cook,  for him and my kids , make sure they are as healthy as possible is my job .  Same goes when they are sick , I am a nurse, teacher , cook , driver, maid, mother etc. Our tittles are endless, even if men don't want to admit it.

In the end both genders bring something to the table but being a women just takes a lot more out of us , than men .

As for how I have notice men have a difficult time doing what the need to , ill give you an example.

So there was a time when I ask Alex to change the kids and feed them while showered, he took on the duty , and it was s funny. After I got out of the shower , the eggs were burnt the pancake mix was so thick that the pancakes were burning and the kids weren't dressed at all .  He said he was confused to what needed to be done .

I couldn't stop laughing . It just goes too show how badass women are ...

One thing men are physical built to do tough  things like,  carry loads, or just crazy manual labor , and other things  I will give them that .

But honestly we are over looked , and the fact that this medical study showed just what I've thought  always makes me that much prouder to me a women.

The funny thing was that after I pointed all these facts too my boss, he acknowledge what I was saying . He totally agreed, he didn't have too but it's all about perspective ...

What do you think ?  on the topic .....

are women the stronger species ?


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