Monday, September 26, 2016

Back at it again...

    Two months ago I would have never thought that I would be homeschooling again. The plan originally was to move to the city and comeback to the valley and get the ball rolling . The boys would go to traditional public school, and that was that. But as you know we make plans and life says  "yeah right"...
      As a parent we know whats best for our children people are always going to have their opinions and criticize our ways , we just can't please everyone .. Whats important is that we seek out whats best for our kids regardless of the worlds view. because at the end of the day we have helped the come along way ... or am i wrong ? I mean we helped them walk , eat , talk etc. you name it .. and not that i don't accept what others tell me its just that I know my kid best thats all.... with all this the good thing is that I have done it before and it's not foreign...
 too be honest I'm excited and nervous but i can't let my little guys see it....its three in the morning and I'm just like wtf! go back to sleep ...(totally off )

..i think I have insomnia (self diagnose) but thats for a different topic..hehe .so what is a mom too do when she has a crazy day ahead of her  write about it , be about it Im kidding about the last part off I go get my lesson ready and get the ball rolling , wait did I say that again...its Monday and I haven't had my coffee so bare with me jibber jabber!!! I love how I can come on here and be like bam !! feelings all laid out and I feel refreshed ...nah literally! i lack friends (on the real) and what better friend than a book or a writing platform..ha! but thats just a whole other conversation. Happy Monday to all !! Mondays still suck for me but I'm a fighter ( not technically , just a saying ) wink, wink. ha!!!!

peace- (throw back lunes)

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