Thursday, February 14, 2019

We never know

If there is one thing about life that I can for certain point out is that we just never know .

Life seems certain depending the situation, however that in itself is very uncertain.

I know that for myself I've expected way too much , because I give too much of myself .

If there is one thing that I have learned is too just give enough , so that I can be ready and expectant and not caught of guard.

I've always lived in the reality of situations , and being this was can be good and conflicting.

As a women for example there is this dreamy notion of prince charming  taking you away on his high white stallion .  This in itself is dreamy and true , however  it doesn't last . There is no defect it's just the way it is . But if the bond is great  fighting for each other is very possible .  If i am honest one of the things that ruins a good thing is distrust , lack of loyalty , and endless secrecy .

Here we are having a good time , well at least it's what I think  and next thing you know it wasn't what you expected ...

This is what I mean when I say you never know , not saying that I could be wrong but there is always time for something good, without loosing yourself in the process.

Too understand this concept is rewarding , and as life continues, we roll with the punches and allow a good connection within ourselves .

Happy V Day!

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