Sunday, January 6, 2019

Trying to survive

One of the things that doesn't come with a manual is how people treat you .

After living with a family member who in the past I have had issues with and thinking that they had change because of their constant  church going self's, I've come to a realization that people don't change or ever will change ..

That only seems to make them worst , and why is that ??

Because, it's a role they have to play  and maybe they got  tired of playing it.

By far these family members have been the epitome if horrible human beings.

I'm sorry but I can't act that way , at all .. And thinking of it that's my biggest lesson ever.

To not stay with people who in the past have acted so bad and mean to me .

When the tough gets going trust that the universe , it always wolfs in my favor ..

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