Monday, November 7, 2016

Dia De Los Muertos

We actually passed the date for the day of the dead . It begins the day after halloween , through the second of November. It was awesome, the kids really enjoyed themselves , this year was a bit different . We attended really early so the kids can do crafts and enjoy the goodies, the made dream catchers , sugar skulls , painted skull pictures and cut outs .. It was fun , there wasn't as many people as there is during the night time. Some altars weren't full displayed but the ones we saw  were amazing.  Every year we come with the purpose of getting my kids in tune with our roots, and to help them understand death and what it means to us . It's scary but it's real, and they get it ..or so they do a little bit. But they love this event, and thats all that matters. Happy Day of the dead....

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