Thursday, January 3, 2013


I hate to think that my moving days are soon, and I really don't know how to take it. A part of me wants to move location and the other part wants to buy a home. And , then their is the rest gibberish. I think that just the thought of moving makes my stomach turn. In the past two years I have gained so much. It would take the big uhaul trucks to move plus two trips, when things considered.

After a short  sleeping session I woke up  when Alex got home,  and we talked about what we should do. Then begin searching the Internet, for apartments, and it turns out that the ghetto areas , have more space for our money.  It's mind boggling to think that builders spend more money adding amenities and little nick knacks, versus giving more space.  I'm really starting off between a needle and a haystack, it's kinda stressful. I'm hopeful though.  Lets just wait and see if this transition works out....

On another note, Alex is having his week vacation in about  a couple of  months , and It's up to me to plan our vacation time... I'm just not sure where I would love to go...I do have some places in mind like , San Francisco,Oregon, San Diego(legoland).. In the mean time I'm gonna keep looking , to see what I find ,good thing  theres a whole lot of time.  For now I'll get back to my place searching , breath taking searching experience....

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