Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Healthy Living, My attempt.

In this new year 2013, I'm really aiming for a different lifestyle. I would love to be a vegetarian , without giving up milk. I'm not sure  how to go about it. I have done so much research, and yet nothing catches my eye.
I want to be able to just give it up. In some way it seems impossible, eating meat is a must ... But I know that it isn't always the best, I think of it as  , maybe the reason my stomach hurts after eating so much meat, is due to the way the cow suffered before being put out of it's misery. As I  write about it my stomach turns literally. (and yet I can go for a burger_) So contradicting. I guess it's how they say it ,
 " you have to have the will to do it". I do want to increase to veggies and fruits , fish , and things that can make us a healthier me and family. As of  today I'm vowing to make a change each week, eat and try a vegetable or fruit I've never tried. Create or Follow a recipe.  i will post it on here , so I can be more diligent. And , master the art of baking bread... (I have done it before but have failed). I won't give up...
In the mean time , start a regular exercise routine.. AS of today , I did Zumba , and Yoga... Well continued my yoga, I just added my Zumba, (it's the best ).
This kind of change will be a work in progress, wish me luck!! (I'm gonna need it)..

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