I'm pregnant with my third baby , and I'm three weeks away and I'm feeling the jitters. It's a beautiful thing to bring someone into this world a little human being that we can call our own . As a mom I think we all have those oh no moments that can feel overwhelming. It has really been on my mind this idea that I will be back in the OhR (operating room).. A lot of things are a bound to change .

This pregnancy has been really, really different in so many ways. First of all I'm having a little girl , I already have two beautiful boys , secondly she moves so much I almost feel as if she wan'ts to crawl out of my belly ( obviously she couldn't) but it sure feels like it. I am so tired , I feel like I can't breathe and her feet are in my rib cage (very uncomfortable). Lastly, I can't sleep right I'm tossing and turning all night , changing my pillows constantly , moving from one side to the other and this insomnia is outrageous ( i'm only 36 weeks)... All this is very new to me (believe me), I guess it's true what they say "every pregnancy is different'' ( so not a lie). I've been to the Labor and Delivery room one , two many times .But with all this said, I would not change this experience for the world, I've known of women who are trying to get pregnant that really can't so I'm grateful in every sense of the word, it's just been totally different.
All in all , it's been a wild ride but I'm fortunate enough to be in it.
Being a mom has changed me in many ways , we start to understand our parents that much more and all that they have ever done for us and are still doing . We are always thier priority even after being so old, and I always remind myself that all the sacrifices that they endured might just be mines also. There are certain decisions that need to be a priority sometimes that boggle a parents mind, being a parents makes you that much more paranoid about the earthly things going on . It's crazy but it's wonderful, if that makes sense.