Tuesday, October 22, 2013


If its not one thing it's another. Ive been crazy busy with H school. I'm on mommy work overload. On top of that , we finally had our boys infamous birthday party.  It was all so last minute , stressed up the yin yang . Feeling the heat. But, I'm glad it is over and it was a semi success. Given that It all started later then planned. Otherwise we had many laughs, great costumes and not as many photos as I liked.  It really sucked not taking many pictures. Lets see, oh yeah I had a parent teacher conference last Wednesday.(it went OK) .

And the biggest upset occurred the day of the party. my record player stopped working indefinitely. As we were about to play hot pumpkin (hot potato) which requires music, Alex and I tried turning on the record player , nothing . Re-plugged and UN plugged and reset , got nothing . Pushed dials, nothing. Moved the cord around and nothing. Man am I super bummed. It let me down and I've had it for less then a year..(total BS) . Alex, insist that we fix it , but I'm like no way I can buy a new one for what they are gonna charge right?
well ,who knows but if i do i hope it will be super cheap (crossing my fingers).

Other then that  it's all that's been happening at my end of the world.

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