Tuesday, October 29, 2013

these OCTOBER days.

one of my many reasons for loving the fall. leaf color changes. cloudy afternoons. endless amount of coffee, tea , and green smoothies.( just a  habit during this time of year).

Sunday, October 27, 2013

under the weather

my two little guys and I got sick.  theres been a lot of tea drinking, honey sipping and lounging most of the day .  most days are rare. we don't sit and eat at the table, instead we have found more comfort on the couch. tissues everywhere , since we all having running noses. I'm really trying to catch up on cleaning, but to tell you the truth I'm doing it in parts. The lack of energy is really getting to me. Hope is all I got going on in my head . what ? that I recover fast , that's what I'm hoping for. The last time I was so badly ill was when I was pregnant with my oldest. Which was a while , while ago. for now it's cuddles and sniffles while we get better. *cough*

Botanical Gardens (pt.1)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Birthday Bash (a couple of snaps)

my funny little guys .  by the time we were about to cut the cake they looked a bit tired and sleepy. but this was as  good as it got. to see them playing and happy was all that I needed to feel like it was all good. that is my biggest joy .. so here are some random snaps from their special day.
                                    funny poses for days . camera distration for the times being 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


If its not one thing it's another. Ive been crazy busy with H school. I'm on mommy work overload. On top of that , we finally had our boys infamous birthday party.  It was all so last minute , stressed up the yin yang . Feeling the heat. But, I'm glad it is over and it was a semi success. Given that It all started later then planned. Otherwise we had many laughs, great costumes and not as many photos as I liked.  It really sucked not taking many pictures. Lets see, oh yeah I had a parent teacher conference last Wednesday.(it went OK) .

And the biggest upset occurred the day of the party. my record player stopped working indefinitely. As we were about to play hot pumpkin (hot potato) which requires music, Alex and I tried turning on the record player , nothing . Re-plugged and UN plugged and reset , got nothing . Pushed dials, nothing. Moved the cord around and nothing. Man am I super bummed. It let me down and I've had it for less then a year..(total BS) . Alex, insist that we fix it , but I'm like no way I can buy a new one for what they are gonna charge right?
well ,who knows but if i do i hope it will be super cheap (crossing my fingers).

Other then that  it's all that's been happening at my end of the world.

Friday, October 11, 2013

All over the place and some

I've been so busy lately , and I haven't done much of anything. With H being at school , I somehow worry that If I do something else they can call me at any given time. So pretty much I'm focused on his school, and setting up work for him daily. I find it fun in someway since I need him to get better. I'm doing a lot of deep cleaning , and cooking more then usual, plainly it's just my everyday life.  With the Halloween party in two weeks, I am so stressed. I've searching all over the net for a fun simple party ideas. Let me tell you it isn't easy , because everything evolves scary and H isn't looking forward to anything scary anymore.  Plus , it's our families annual party . I think it's all wrapped up into one. Or wait it is (hahah). I've bought some things here and there but I keep second guessing if its just too scary of just enough ... I'm just thinking on hanging up ghost and bats , and using the colors green , black , and a hint of white .... Also incorporating games and awards and a pinata, yeah I want it to be fun ...Which it will.... That's been on my plate .And I haven't found my costume ..I want to be poison ivy so I might just make my version of her ...this is pretty much my life ...all in one. I'm excited and yet nervous...Ill  be posting a halloween party on a budget and see how that turns out .wish me luck ... what will you be for halloween?