Thursday, December 12, 2013


There really aren't any plans for Christmas this year . Our normal tradition is ; we get together exchange gifts , and load up on tamales . Gather around the tree hang out and talk , and just relax really. But it's unlikely this will be occurring .  I'm really trying to get something set up here  , but I'm just fooling myself , and really it's exhausting . Because personalities get in the way and really it should be a persons choice, to want , to hang out with the family(it is what it is you know) . It seems that these holidays have rushed through our fingers and ,Christmas is in two weeks . I am over whelmed by it all . It's been an interesting year and all that Iam ready for 2014.  Didn't think I've be saying this . 

On another note , I've totally been neglecting the blog because my computer is busted . The screen popped and it just doesn't work. Sadly , I am out of a computer , all I have is Instagram . The upside was that I rememberd that blogger had an app. Ha! So here I am typing on my phone which seemingly is quite uncomfortable . 
But I am here and it's all good .  

I'll be back later with more stories of happenings and a bunch of random rambles .


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